Code of Conduct Information
On Behalf of Kevin Wiber, President of the LCFA.
There have been many questions around the “Code of Conduct” policy. Faculty executives met with members of the executive leadership team to ask those questions.
The policy has been mandated by the Alberta office of the Ethics Commissioner. Lethbridge College took the initiative to comply with the new Conflict of interest act as quickly as possible. The timelines for compliance were also mandated by the Office of the Ethics Commissioner. Once the policy was approved the College had 60 days to implement it, which is the reason for the strict timelines.
The College will be performing the primary assessments, which will allow the College to respond to situations that may fall outside the guidelines.
Disclosure is not conflict. Having a second job is not outside the guidelines, using college resources to do that job, or for personal benefit, is.
Faculty have questioned the information being gathered, the information being requested is necessary to confidently declare compliance. When a situation or behavior falls outside the guidelines the College will meet with the individual, discuss the issue, determine the correct actions to take and develop a plan to correct the issue. The faculty association may provide a representative at those discussions. The college policy is in place to protect the individual and the college in light of the new Provincial Ethics policy.
Please take the time to read through the information provided by Coreen Roth related to these issues. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact the Faculty Association office or Human Resources.
Please click the link below for Administrations statement regarding the Code of Conduct Policy.