ACIFA Covid-19 Impact Survey

ACIFA Survey

Impact of COVID-19

Good morning,

ACIFA is seeking to understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the working lives of staff at universities, colleges, and polytechnics across the province. This information will be used by ACIFA to inform our policy and advocacy work.

While the survey is entirely voluntary, we are asking for your full participation to ensure as many academic staff are included in this critical study.

The survey consists of approximately 40 questions-some multiple-choice and some open-ended- that should take approximately 15 minutes to complete. The survey will be open until June 8, 2020.

Please circulate this Provincial survey for members on the impact of COVID-19 to your members, and let me know how many people you sent the survey to.

The link is:

If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Victoria Kirchner, Executive Assistant,


Thank you,


Victoria Kirchner
Executive Assistant
Alberta Colleges & Institutes Faculties Association
317, 11010 142 ST NW
Phone: (780) 423-4440


Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Year!


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