Clarification on Working Alone Check-Ins and Work-from-Home Requirements

Hello Faculty,

Several of you have raised questions regarding the Working Alone Check-Ins mentioned during recent Centre meetings. Frank Zappone has followed up with the Faculty Association and shared the following clarification:

"After consultation with Alberta Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) officials, it has been confirmed that regular contact is not required if working alone is infrequent and involves minimal risk. Therefore, working late into the night, such as until 3 a.m. to meet marking deadlines, is not deemed reasonable for mandatory check-ins, as it falls outside of routine working hours."

Additionally, if you have a regular work-from-home schedule, please ensure it is communicated and approved by your Associate Dean. You may also need to complete Occupational Health & Safety (OH&S) documentation to work from home for liability purposes.

If you have any further questions regarding the Working Alone Check-Ins or work-from-home requirements, please reach out to your Dean or Associate Dean for further guidance.



Mike Mayo
Faculty Relations Officer
Lethbridge Polytechnic Faculty Association


Reminder: September General Meeting & Leadership Opportunities


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