Teaching Excellence Framework Engagement Session

Teaching Excellence Framework Engagement Session


“The Teaching Excellence Framework committee is seeking faculty members from each centre to provide feedback on the framework project’s progress. More information about the project and a session sign-up form can be found here. For this round of feedback sessions, faculty will be asked to attend a 45-minute information and working session to discuss specific parts of the project, so the team can revise and move on to the next phase of engagement. Coffee and Bootsma donuts will be provided. Sessions will be held in the Coulee’s Edge, the new gathering space overlooking the coulees at the back of the library, except for the Tuesday, Feb 11 session. For questions, please contact or

Please RSVP for one of the following sessions:

  • 1:30 to 2:15 p.m., Friday, Feb. 7

  • 3:00-3:45 p.m., Monday, Feb. 10

  • 4:00-4:45 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 11 (AN 1801)”

Jess Nicol (she/her), MA, PhD Candidate
Educational Development Specialist
Centre for Teaching, Learning & Innovation
403-320-3202 ext. 5813
3000 College Drive South, Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6  

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2020 ACIFA Conference Invitation

2020 ACIFA Conference Invitation

20/20 Vision

The Lethbridge College Faculty Association would like to extend an invitation to you; for this years ACIFA Conference, hosted by Keyano College Faculty Association at the spectacular Jasper Park Lodge.  

Date:  May 10th - 12th, 2020
Theme:  20/20 Vision

Full Package Registration $690.00
Complete Meal Package for Guest $350.00
Complete Child Meal Package $180.00

Individual Guest Meal Pricing

  • Monday Breakfast for Guest $42.00

  • Monday Lunch for Guest $42.00

  • Monday Evening Classic Dinner for Guest $93.00

  • Tuesday Breakfast for Guest $42.00

  • Tuesday lunch for Guest $42.00

  • Tuesday Evening Meal for Guest $93.00

Hotel accommodations are based on room selection 

Room Type

  • Fairmont Room $280.42/night

  • Fairmont Lakeview $358.25/night

  • Deluxe $391.60/night

Conference Registration

Hotel Registration

The 2021 ACIFA Conference will be hosted by Lethbridge College Faculty Association at the Banff Springs Hotel in beautiful Banff, AB.  Stay tuned for more information about this exciting event as the hosting committee continues to plan this outstanding conference.

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LCFA General Meeting Announcement - Jan 27th, 2020 Annoucement

LCFA General Meeting Announcement

Lethbridge College Faculty Association General Meeting

Please join us for an LCFA General Meeting.

  Monday January 27th, 2020 @ 4:30 pm


Topics that will be discussed include:

  • Course Evaluations Discussion – Dr. Sam Lenci, Provost and Vice President Academic 

  • LCFA President

    • Report – Kevin Wiber

  • V.P., Administration

    • Reports – Dave English 

  • V.P., Finance

    • Reports– Cheryl Meheden

  • V.P., Negotiations

    • Negotiations Update – Ryan Kaupp

    • Welfare Update

    • By-laws Committee Update

  • Vote on Motions at amend section of the By-laws regarding composition of the Negotiations Committee.

    • First Motion; Motion to reduce the size of the negotiating team to a maximum of 5 elected members. The VP negotiations will chair the committee. The President and FRO will be ex-officio members of the committee.

    • Second Motion; The composition of the elected Negotiations committee shall include one (1) representative from Trades, one (1) Member at Large representing non-continuing academic staff, and three (3) full-time and/or part-time continuing academic staff.

    • Third Motion; Should less than five (5) academic staff stand for election the negotiating committee shall convene if there are at least three (3) members duly elected.

Please see attached for agenda.


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LCFA Jan 2020 General Meeting

Negotiations Committee Composition Motions for upcoming LCFA General Meeting

Proposed Motions

With the upcoming LCFA General Meeting coming up on January 27th, 2020 in room IB1103 @ 4:30 pm, motions that will be presented at this meeting are being circulated for review.  Voting on these motions is expected during the meeting.

Rationale for changes to the composition of the Negotiations Committee:

  • Full time continuing membership in the faculty association has been eroded,

  • bargaining frequency has changed from 3 year cycles to 2 year cycles, generally at the direction of government,

  • the current size of the bargaining committee represents the largest expenditure of the association,

  • the expense in a bargaining year exceeds the revenue

  • current practice is not sustainable.

The following motions are presented to address the concerns addressed above:

First Motion; Motion to reduce the size of the negotiating team to a maximum of 5 elected members. The VP negotiations will chair the committee. The President and FRO will be ex-officio members of the committee.

Second Motion; The composition of the elected Negotiations committee shall include one (1) representative from Trades, one (1) Member at Large representing non-continuing academic staff, and three (3) full-time and/or part-time continuing academic staff.

Third Motion; Should less than five (5) academic staff stand for election the negotiating committee shall convene if there are at least three (3) members duly elected.

Additional information such as the agenda and minutes from previous general meeting will be circulated shortly.  

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ACIFA Teaching Award Nominations Reminder

Nominating is easier than ever! Nominate yourself or a colleague for the 2019/2020 awards and a chance to win!

Information and nomination submissions are now  available online at 

This award is open to all members of the Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association (ACIFA). The research project may span part or all of the current academic year but must not exceed that time limit.
The Selection Process
Four members, selected on an annual basis from and by the Professional Affairs Committee of ACIFA, will select the final award winner from the nominees submitted by the local faculty associations. The local faculty association judging committees are to be selected and structured by the local faculty association as they deem appropriate for their association.
An effort will be made where possible to avoid assigning committee members to adjudicate applications from members from their own institution in the event of a perceived or real conflict of interest. To protect fairness and impartiality of the review process, committee members have a responsibility to recuse themselves from the process in the event of a perceived or real conflict of interest. In the event of a member recusing themselves, the remaining three (3) members will be permitted to make the final selection, with the input of the PAC Chair (if required).
Mutual Obligations
ACIFA will

  • Award the winner of the ACIFA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award with $1000 on behalf of the Edmonton Millwoods Lions Club.

  • Fund the winner’s conference registration, accommodations, and travel expenses for the year in which the research project presentation is given.

  • Make an announcement regarding the award in the ACIFA newsletter and on the ACIFA website.

 The Award Winner will be expected to

  • Attend the ACIFA Annual Conference to accept the Award.

  • Submit for publication in the ACIFA newsletter a description of the innovation and its successful implementation before the end of the year in which the Award was won.

  • Present their winning submission in a session at the ACIFA Annual Conference the year following the research project’s completion.

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LCFA December 2019 Newsletter

Faculty News Letter

December 2019

  • Budget

  • ACIFA Report

  • ELT Meetings

  • Welcome Dave English

I hope your year to date has gone a smoothly as possible and the holiday season brings rest, reflection and relaxation.

It has been an interesting year in the faculty office. Quiet moments punctuated by frantic activity.

The biggest news and the greatest challenge facing the college this semester is the budget. Taking a substantial amount out of a carefully crafted yearly budget mid-cycle is challenging to say the least. The executive Leadership team has been very willing to share information with us as it was relayed to the institution. The budget impact plan submitted to government Dec 2nd states “we do not foresee any change to our academic programs or services within the current year.” “Lay-offs are not being considered at this time.”  Reductions to cover the shortfall will be taken from a Visa surplus (International), a tuition surplus, IMP (infrastructure) spending, vacancies, capital and reduced discretionary spending. Any changes in the upcoming year will depend on the future funding model. I applaud the efforts of the management team in dealing with this difficult situation.

Following the ACIFA meeting in July minister Nicholaides agreed to meet with us immediately following the release of the budget but was pulled away and had to postpone our meeting.

October 26th Cheryl and I attended the president’s council meeting in Calgary. We discussed the future of faculty associations and ACIFA in light of the 2022 end to the phase in of Labor relations legislation in our sector. We talked about the job action defense fund and put forward a motion to request support from CAUT. Since the meeting the motion of support was passed by CAUT and ACIFA has arranged a significant line of credit to be available to member associations if needed.

November 1st we had a joint meeting with AUPE, the Students association and MLA Neudorf. Although we had many questions to ask, the conversation revolved around the student concerns, raising tuition, eliminating tax breaks, raising interest on student loans and eliminating the STEP program. Unfortunately MLA Neudorf did not have much to add having just received the budget information.

November 19th we participated in a conference call with MLA Philips. The call was about omnibus bill 22 but focused on changes to the pension plan. Changes to the pension plan have not been handled well from our perspective, some gains made in the area of governance have been lost. At this point however there is no change to your contributions or benefits.

We next met with Minister Nicholaides November 26th. Again, in a conference call, we determined the four topics to discuss.
1. Apprenticeship training concerns
2. Performance based funding
3. Consultation
4. Budget cuts being directed to address specific areas of concern

We discussed the changes to Apprenticeship and the implications to institutions, while dollars have been allocated to Skills, women in trades and career directions work, budgets have been impacted at the institution level. The minister indicated Skilled Trades training had to be as careful with their spending as other sectors. We discussed performance based funding, the minister shared his personal vision, a portion of the institutional funding will be provided as a yearly stable grant while the remainder will be at risk, dependent on achieving outcomes. Throughout our discussion we were encouraged to participate in consultation opportunities. As the meeting ended we presented the minister with our position on the move to Labor Relations, asking to maintain sole bargaining status as it is now. The minister took our information to research the implications. 

We felt the meeting was productive, the minister often referred to the previous meeting, took personal notes on some of our comments and was willing to meet again in the New Year.

Your executive met with the Executive Leadership Team several times this semester. We discussed the phone systems, adding a link to security after hours. We discussed a designation policy in response to a labor relations recommendation that each institution should have a policy in place. We have had lengthy discussions around the course evaluations being done on canvas, and the intellectual property policy. Government has mandated a free speech policy based on the Chicago protocol which has been passed by the board but is waiting for government approval. We have discussed Intellectual Property and management of IP resources. In order to complete the requirements of the new Collective agreement we have established subcommittees to look into Distance Learning and the Professional Standards committee.

There are changes coming to the FA/SA awards. After discussing concerns around the awards we have decided to pause this year as we redevelop the awards process and criteria. If you have an interest in this area contact Mike in the FA office to volunteer.

With the ratification of the new collective agreement Kerry and his committee have completed their work and most chose not to run again. I would like to thank Kerry and the negotiating team for all their work. As the election date neared and the position of VP negotiations and welfare remained empty, Ryan Kaupp agreed to once again run to fill that important position. His departure left the role of VP admin open. We would like to welcome Dave English to the role of Interim Vice-president Administration. The executive council voted to appoint Dave to the position for the remainder of this term in order to look after the Professional Affairs portfolio and fill in the position on the FPDC vacated by Ryan Kaupp moving to VP Negotiations and Welfare. Although Dave only recently joined our executive council he has a wealth of experience at the college and we are all looking forward to working with him in his new role.

There will be a by-election planned in the New Year to consider vacancies on the executive council and the negotiating team. There has been some discussion during the by-laws revision of reducing the size of the negotiating team to help control the expenses of the association.

As a tough 2019 comes to a close, and we head into the challenges in 2020 I would like to thank the executive leadership team for the open communication and cooperation we have enjoyed this year.

On behalf of myself and the Faculty Executive council I wish you the happiest of holidays.

Kevin Wiber
President, Lethbridge College Faculty Association
Instructor Center for Trades
Automotive Service Technician / Heavy Equipment Technician
403-320-3202 ext. 3264 or 3219
3000 College Drive S., Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6

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EvaluationKIT Clarification


There have been questions and concern around the EvaluationKIT course evaluation process being instituted through Canvas. Please let me reassure you this is not intended to evaluate faculty performance outside the collective agreement.
December 18th 2018 Erin hall provided us with the following announcement on behalf of Dean’s council;
                On behalf of the Course evaluation tool selection committee:

Hello colleagues,

Today, we are excited to announce that we will be adopting a brand new course evaluation tool in the new year that will change the way students are able to share information with us.

After much consultation and research, an inter-disciplinary committee has chosen 
EvaluationKIT as our new course evaluation tool, replacing Scantron Class Climate. This decision is endorsed by Deans’ Council. The benefits are tremendous and will allow more students to share more information about their experiences than ever before.

The lead benefit is that EvaluationKIT integrates seamlessly with Canvas, which will allow students to provide feedback through a platform they are familiar with and use on a frequent basis. Class Climate only allowed us to reach students through email and response rates had dropped to a level that, in some cases, made the information we gathered nearly statistically irrelevant.

EvaluationKIT also allows more flexibility in the way we survey students. We will be able to continue asking benchmark questions of all students across campus, but instructors will also have the ability to individually style the survey to ask questions important to them. This will create a more holistic feedback process that will benefit every instructor in our institution.

Switching to EvaluationKIT also presents an opportunity to update our course evaluation questionnaires and processes. Over the next year, Deans’ Council will carefully consider how to make improvements to better utilize our course evaluations to support excellence in teaching and learning. We look forward to hearing your feedback and input, and will provide updates as we progress.

Deans’ Council would like to acknowledge the incredible work of the administrative staff of our academic centres, who spent significant time and effort deploying Class Climate evaluations over the years. A very important benefit of EvaluationKIT’s integration with Canvas is that it will reduce administrative time significantly, allowing our centre staff to focus attention on other areas. The administration of the course evaluation process will now be centralized in Institutional Planning, rather than within each individual centre. This is a common structure in post-secondary and will create efficiencies. CTLI will also play a critical role in both the Canvas integration and technical administration.

Keep in mind that nothing will change for this semester. We are targeting the Winter 2019 semester for its implementation and instructors will receive training materials in the new year, so keep an eye out for further updates. We recognize this will be a large change, but we are so excited about the possibilities and wanted to let you know with plenty of time to ask questions and learn about the new tool before it is implemented.

In the meantime, we thank you for your commitment to our students and how each of you strive to provide the best possible learning environment for them.


Deans’ Council

At regular meetings between the Faculty Executive and the Executive Leadership Team the issue was raised. We agreed that information on student perception of classes or programs could be valuable in program development and reviews. Faculty members at the table suggested they would appreciate access to the information which ELT heartily endorsed. It was the understanding at that point, on the part of both ELT and Faculty executive, that the program was well designed and would provide excellent feedback.
A key point in this discussion was that course evaluations are separate from Instructor evaluations. There was discussion about ensuring the questions reflect this by focusing on such things as facilities, curriculum, materials, and scheduling. It became apparent that some of the discussion had to recognize the importance of instruction in a course evaluation focusing on things like face to face compared to distance, so there would be some questions that could reflect on that portion of the student experience.
Initially student surveys used an abbreviated version of the existing questionnaire, but that survey was very focused on instruction and removing questions that applied directly to the instructor limited the value, so a new set of questions was developed with course evaluation as the key focus. The intent being each course will be evaluated using the modified survey but the original survey would be used in an evaluation year.
There were many people from different areas of the college involved in this process. A course evaluation tool selection committee started the process. Deans council and Associate Deans provided input. Institutional Planning provided leadership while the Center for Teaching and Learning helped with the Canvas deployment. Somewhere along the way which survey was to be used was confused and it appears the wrong survey may have been attached. Keep in mind that any individual who is in an evaluation year should have received the survey as circulated.  There is not now, nor was there ever, any intention to bypass the collective agreement.
Now moving forward, those who are in an evaluation year will have the information they need to proceed and need do nothing different.  Those not in an evaluation year have a few options on how you want to proceed with the information that was gathered.

  1. Some faculty have requested to be in an evaluation year to their Dean so they can use the information for this year.

  2. You can choose to ignore the information and move on (the information will not be destroyed or used against you).

  3. You can request to see it and do nothing with it.

In the upcoming semester the correct surveys will be attached to each course and the process can move forward as planned.

Thank You for your patience and understanding.  

If you have any additional questions please feel free to contact Dr. Samantha Lenci, Provost and Vice President Academic and/or Kevin Wiber, LCFA President and Chair - Crooks School of Transportation.

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LCFA Negotiations Committee Election Results

LCFA Negotiations Committee Election Results

On behalf of the Nomination Committee we would like to thank everyone who ran for this years Negotiations Committee.  We would also like to thank all those who came out to support the committee by voting.

The Results of the elections are as follows.

Ryan Kaupp was affirmed as VP Negotiations and Welfare
Jeff Hamilton was affirmed as Constituency 1 rep
Ron Papp was affirmed as Constituency 2 rep
Gordon Cox was affirmed as Constituency 4 rep
Nichole Covey was elected as the Sessional/Term Certain/DL rep

A by-election will be held in the new year to fill the vacant positions.

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LCFA Negotiations Committee Election Reminder

LCFA Negotiations Committee Election Reminder

I would like to remind you of the election for the Lethbridge College Faculty Association Negotiating team. The nomination meeting will take place Monday November 18th at 4:30 PM in room IB1103.  The only thing on the agenda will be a call for nominations from the floor, voting will be opened immediately after final call.   

Voting hours following the meeting are from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm on Tuesday Nov 19th, and Wednesday Nov 20th.  Results will be circulated shortly thereafter.

In advance of our upcoming election for the negotiating committee I would like to share with you that Ryan Kaupp has agreed to step down from his position as VP Administration to run for the position of VP Negotiations and Welfare. Ryan has selflessly agreed to let his name stand since no other candidates had come forward at that time and he recognizes the importance of the portfolio.  This will create an opening on our executive team which will require another election in the future.

On behalf of faculty I would like to thank all those who served on this negotiating committee for their time and energy. Join me in thanking your representatives Ryan Kaupp, Dic Charge, Brenda Brandley, Leslie McCoy, Rosemary Shannon, and James Moore. A special thanks to Kerry Edwards for two terms as the VP Negotiations and Welfare.

See you Monday!

Kevin Wiber
President, Lethbridge College Faculty Association
Instructor Center for Trades
Automotive Service Technician / Heavy Equipment Technician
403-320-3202 ext. 3264 or 3219
3000 College Drive S., Lethbridge, AB T1K 1L6

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Call for Nominations to sit on the Negotiations Committee

Call for Nominations to sit on the Negotiations Committee

Are you interested in sitting on the Negotiations Committee?

With the ratification of our new collective agreement the current negotiations committee will be dissolved.

The search for a new committee is on. Nominations are being taken now. Please submit your name and include the constituency you will be representing to to be added to the ballot.

A short meeting to accept calls from the floor followed by the election will be held on Monday Nov 18th, 2019 in room IB1103 @ 4:30 pm.

Voting for this election will continue Tuesday Nov 19th, 2019 and Wednesday Nov 20th, 2019 from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm in room PA2108 with results circulated shortly thereafter.

Qualifications to serve on the Negotiations Committee:

  • Nominees for the Negotiations Committee must be Continuing Academic Staff Members from the constituencies they wish to represent. In the event no representative is elected from within a constituency a faculty member from outside the constituency may be elected to represent that constituency

  • Term Certain or Casual Academic Staff Members are eligible to be nominated to represent all Casual and Term Certain members. In the event that no Term Certain or Casual Academic Staff Members let their names stand, Continuing Academic Staff Members may run for this position.

No individual shall serve as a constituency representative on both the Executive Council and Negotiating Committee, and no Executive officer shall serve as a constituency representative.

If a negotiating term is extended beyond the original term of a negotiations constituency representative and that person is subsequently elected to another position, that member may hold both positions until negotiations conclude.

Composition of the Committee is as follows:

Ten (10) positions:

  • VP Negotiations (Chair)

  • President (ex-officio)

  • Faculty Relations Officer (ex-officio)

  • Seven (7) Staff Members elected for two variable-length terms

    • Six (6) Continuing Full Time or Continuing Part Time Faculty Members representing constituency areas

    • One (1) member at large representing non-continuing Faculty.

  • One term of office will run from twenty working days following the final signing of a Collective Agreement, and will continue until twenty working days after the final signing of the subsequent Collective Agreement.

Mandate of the Negotiations Committee

The Negotiating Committee shall be the sole negotiator of the Collective Agreement. It shall prepare proposals for collective bargaining as they, acting on behalf of faculty, deem fit. Such agreement is subject to approval by the Executive Council and ratification by the Association membership

The Negotiating Committee shall represent the Association to the Board of Governors on all matters concerning collective bargaining.

The Negotiating Committee shall make recommendations to Executive Council on all matters related to the terms and conditions of employment.

Method Of Selection

Faculty members in each constituency area will elect their own Executive Council Constituency Representatives.

  • One term-certain or casual faculty member shall be elected from the membership at large to represent term-certain and casual faculty members.

  • At least three and no more than four (4) members should be selected in any one election.

  • Elections will be held within 20 working days following the final signing of a Collective Agreement. Days in June, July, and August are not considered working days for this purpose.

Terms Of Office

  • Each member shall be elected for two terms of office corresponding to the lengths of two Collective Agreements.

  • Terms of office of all individuals on the Negotiations Committee will run from twenty working days following the final signing of a Collective Agreement, and will continue until twenty working days after the final signing of the subsequent Collective Agreement.

  • Generally one-half (1/2) of the members will be replaced at each election to ensure continuity.

Operational policies        

The Chairperson of this Committee is the Vice-President, Negotiations and Welfare.

  • The Negotiating Committee shall initiate and conduct negotiations.

  • The committee shall obtain approval of any negotiated agreement from the Executive Council and then obtain ratification from the Association membership.

  • The Negotiating Committee shall be guided by the wishes and advice of the faculty in all matters of negotiations.

  • Members starting negotiations of a Collective Agreement will continue to negotiate or arbitrate until the Collective Agreement is ratified or until they resign.

  • The Negotiating Committee chair shall keep association members informed of their progress in negotiating with the Board.

Vice-President, Negotiations and Welfare

This election will also replace Kerry Edward as Vice President Negotiations and Welfare.

The role of the Vice-President, Negotiations and Welfare is as follows:

  • Be the official spokesperson for the Association in all matters related to the process of negotiating and interpreting the Collective Agreement, after being given the mandate by the Executive Council.

  • Appoint a spokesperson when appropriate.

  • Attend meetings of the Executive Council and of the Executive Officers.

  • Chair the Negotiating and Grievance Committees.

  • Submit an official year-end report of activities for the Annual General Meeting.

  • Sit as a voting member on the following committees:

    • Negotiating Committee

    • Grievance Committees

    • Faculty Professional Development Committee

  • Attend Joint LC/LCFA Officers’ meetings

  • Perform other duties as assigned by the Executive Council or the President.

  • Educate newly elected members of the Negotiations Committee on the language and history of the Collective Agreement and on Grievance and Negotiations procedures.

  • Monitor issues related to the Collective Agreement and work with the Negotiations Committee members and representatives of Administration to seek solutions.

Thank you for your interest in participating in your Lethbridge College Faculty Association.

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Nominations for ACIFA Awards are Now Open!

Nominations for ACIFA Awards are Now Open!

Nominating is easier than ever!

Information and nomination submissions are now  available online at Nominate yourself or a colleague for the 2019/2020 awards and a chance to win!

This award is open to all members of the Alberta Colleges and Institutes Faculties Association (ACIFA). The research project may span part or all of the current academic year but must not exceed that time limit.
The Selection Process
Four members, selected on an annual basis from and by the Professional Affairs Committee of ACIFA, will select the final award winner from the nominees submitted by the local faculty associations. The local faculty association judging committees are to be selected and structured by the local faculty association as they deem appropriate for their association.
An effort will be made where possible to avoid assigning committee members to adjudicate applications from members from their own institution in the event of a perceived or real conflict of interest. To protect fairness and impartiality of the review process, committee members have a responsibility to recuse themselves from the process in the event of a perceived or real conflict of interest. In the event of a member recusing themselves, the remaining three (3) members will be permitted to make the final selection, with the input of the PAC Chair (if required).
Mutual Obligations
ACIFA will

  • Award the winner of the ACIFA Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Award with $1000 on behalf of the Edmonton Millwoods Lions Club.

  • Fund the winner’s conference registration, accommodations, and travel expenses for the year in which the research project presentation is given.

  • Make an announcement regarding the award in the ACIFA newsletter and on the ACIFA website.

The Award Winner will be expected to

  • Attend the ACIFA Annual Conference to accept the Award.

  • Submit for publication in the ACIFA newsletter a description of the innovation and its successful implementation before the end of the year in which the Award was won.

  • Present their winning submission in a session at the ACIFA Annual Conference the year following the research project’s completion.

Application Dates

November 30, 2019 - Applications must be submitted electronically to ACIFA by midnight. 

January 2020 - The ACIFA Awards Committee or ACIFA Office will notify the award winner.
The award is sponsored and administered by: ACIFA and
The Edmonton Millwoods Lions Club

For all the latest information from ACIFA please click the Newsletter button below for additional information.


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Call for Submissions for the 2020 ACIFA Conference

Call for Submissions for the 2020 ACIFA Conference

Keyano College is looking for individuals interested in presenting at the 2020 ACIFA Conference, are you interested?

Alberta Colleges & Institutes Faculties Association
2020 Annual Spring Conference – May 10 to May 12, 2020

Theme Strands:

  • Who Owns the Classroom?

  • Internationalization

  • The State of Higher Education

Hosted by the Keyano College Faculty Association

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2019


  • You will be notified by mid-January about the status of your proposal

The Call for Submissions Form is available on the ACIFA website: Submit your proposal to

For all the latest information from ACIFA please click the Newsletter button below for additional information.


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Ratification Vote Results

LCFA Ratification Results

Good Day,

The LCFA would like to thank everyone who came out and voted during yesterdays ratification vote on the 2018-2020 Collective Agreement.  

With over 85% support faculty have decided to accept and ratify the Collective Agreement as proposed.

Lethbridge College will hold their ratification vote at their next board meeting; if successful both parties will sign this contract and bargaining for this agreement will conclude.

Once the contract has been signed elections will be held to replace the outgoing negotiations committee.

Questions, comments, or concerns about the new contract can be brought to the LCFA.    

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Monday Oct 21st, 2019 - Ratification Vote Information

Ratification Vote

When: Monday Oct 21st, 2019
Where: PA2110
Between: 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

2018-2020 Collective Agreement Ratification Vote:

We have been fielding concerns in the faculty office about our date for the contract ratification falling on federal election day, Oct 21st. While we did make a mistake booking the date we feel we should be OK. The vote does not require you attend another meeting, simply stop by the Prairie room between 2:30 pm and 5:30 pm, ask any questions you might have, drop your ballot in the box and carry on.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

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Ratification Vote - Oct 21st, 2019

Ratification Vote

When: Monday Oct 21st, 2019
Where: PA2110
Between: 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm

2018-2020 Collective Agreement Ratification Vote:

Your opportunity to vote on the Collective Agreement for the 2018-2020 contract between Lethbridge College and the LCFA will take place on Monday Oct 21st, 2019. This vote does not require quorum to pass. Voting will done between 2:30 pm - 5:30 pm. Negotiations Committee members will be available to answer questions.  

Questions about the new contract can be referred to the LCFA office.     

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By-Election Reminder

Constituency 4 - Voting


Elections for Constituency 4 are currently under way Monday Oct 7th, 2019 and Tuesday Oct 8th, 2019 in the FA offices (PA2108) from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm.  

Edith Olson is running to be the Constituency 4 representative.  

Please feel free to stop by and cast your vote if you are a member of constituency 4.

Constituency 4 according to our By-laws is comprised of the following areas:

Agricultural Technology
Commercial Vehicle Enforcement
Conservation Enforcement Correctional Centre
Correctional Studies Criminal Justice – Policing Environmental Assessment & Restoration
Fish & Wildlife Technology Justice Studies
Natural Resource Compliance
Police Recruit Training Renewal Resource Management

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Ratification Vote - Update

Ratification Vote - Update

Unable to hold Ratification Vote:

Due to low faculty participation at last nights ratification vote no vote was held. 

Our bylaws state that 50 members must be present to hold a ratification vote in order to meet quorum, this was not achieved. As a result another meeting will be scheduled where quorum minimums are not required for a vote.  No matter how larger or small the turn out at this next meeting; those present will determine the outcome of the ratification vote.

Further information about this meeting will be circulated once it has been scheduled.

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LCFA General Meeting Rescheduled for Oct 3rd, 2019

LCFA General Meeting Update

Lethbridge College Faculty Association General Meeting - Update

Due to recent events the LCFA General Meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday Oct 3rd, 2019.  

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 

  Thursday Oct 3rd, 2019 @ 4:30 pm

  Room IB1103 

Topics that will be discussed include:

  • International Students Presentation - Catherine Wilde

  • President Report – Kevin Wiber

    • FPDC Report

    • ELT Report

    • Board Report

    • Ron MacDonald Grant

    • McKinnon Report

    • ACIFA Report

  • V.P Administration - Ryan Kaupp

    • Safety Committee Update

    • PSC Report

  • Finance - Cheryl Meheden

    • Financial Report

  • V.P. Negotiations - Kerry Edwards

    • Negotiations Update

    • Welfare Update

  • By-laws Committee Update

  • New Business

  • By-Elections - Donna Kalau

  • Ratification Vote

Please see attached for agenda and minutes from the May 2019 annual general meeting.


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ACIFA 2020 Conference - Request for Presenters

ACIFA 2020 Request for Presenters

On behalf of ACIFA and Keyano College Faculty Association:

Keyano College Faculty Association and ACIFA are looking for individuals interested in presenting at the May 2020 ACIFA Conference held at the Jasper Park Lodge.

The conference will run from Monday May 11th, 2020 until Tuesday May 12th, 2020.

Submission Deadline is December 1, 2019

For more information please contact the ACIFA office:
  Phone:  780-423-4440. 

Please see the attached form to submit your request.

Submission Form

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LCFA General Meeting Sept 30th, 2019 - Rescheduled

LCFA General Meeting Update

Lethbridge College Faculty Association General Meeting - Update

Due to recent events the LCFA General Meeting scheduled for Monday September 30th, 2019 is cancelled and will be rescheduled for later this week.  An email with a new date and time will be circulated shortly.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 



Topics that will be discussed include:

  • International Students Presentation - Catherine Wilde

  • President Report – Kevin Wiber

    • FPDC Report

    • ELT Report

    • Board Report

    • Ron MacDonald Grant

    • McKinnon Report

    • ACIFA Report

  • V.P Administration - Ryan Kaupp

    • Safety Committee Update

    • PSC Report

  • Finance - Cheryl Meheden

    • Financial Report

  • V.P. Negotiations - Kerry Edwards

    • Negotiations Update

    • Welfare Update

  • By-laws Committee Update

  • New Business

  • By-Elections - Donna Kalau

  • Ratification Vote

Please see attached for agenda and minutes from the May 2019 annual general meeting.


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